Today's Androis-Dz guest is Condor Informatique, one of the most important computer companies in Algeria. The Algerian manufacturer of computers, laptops, Ultra books, Tablets and Smartphones agreed to give us an interview carried out by our team.

Condor is not in the field of construction, but rather in the field of assembly. We noticed that you realize, increasingly, perfect copies of performing Chinese smartphones, on which criteria you choose the device to be copied ?

We cannot talk about copies. Certainly, when it comes to the design, you can find a smartphone which is as alike as two peas in a pod as our smartphone in 6 different countries around the world but not as identical when it comes to the technical sheet (each manufacturer selected its own processors, cameras, RAM ...). On the C8S, you can find a 13 megapixels Sony camera while other smartphones with the same aspect have a low quality camera. We are 7 manufacturers uniting on the same model but with different characteristics in order to have a low productions cost in order to assure our consumers a range of smartphones with good quality-price ratio. For the criteria, we always select the best models and the best parts to have each time the best performance.

Is it in your projects to update your terminals to KitKat ?

It is being developed for the most recent models, we will see later if the older models are able to be updated.

Will you update your new models to Android L 5.0 or will you launch new models with Android L ?

Probably, InshaAllàh our new products will have Android L 5.0 integrated directly on them.

Why your new Tablet PC W11 & W10 are running on Windows 8.1 and not Android ?

The W11 and the W10 are more than simple tablets, they are PCs and mobile terminals in a highly professional way, it is easier to work on a Windows Operating System especially for people who are used to working on such OS.

What are the most common problems that may be encountered on Condor smartphones ?

Old terminals like the C4 encountered different software problems. But with the arrival of the new range (C8S – C8 – C6 – C5 – C4 – C2) and the new 7" tablet TCV-703G, we still have never faced any problems. Besides, 11 000 copies of the new 7" tablet TCV-703G were sold within less than a week.

Tell us about this new overlayer introduced on the latest three smartphones …

Condor now has its own overlayer called « Breeze » with Light modifications offering a unique user experience especially with its photos applications. In order to have the same user experience for all the Condor range even if the products are running under different Android versions (JellyBean or KitKat).

Why Condor does not develop its own overlayer?

With the new overlayer named « Breeze », we started to move forward in the field of development. In particular, we're working on a project of developing a simplified overlayer for kids and elderly persons.

at the present time, you're forming multiple partnerships with well-known companies in the IT field, the objective, is it technical or purely business ?

We cannot solely rely on business objectives, if we can not satisfy our customers there will be no business. Our objective is technical in order to offer better quality smartphones for our customers.

Tell us more about the two programs called Iqraa & Manahidj

Manaheej : A distance learning platform allowing school and university students to take online recorded courses without being forced to move, this platform can be used by public and private schools.

The platform will be available in a web and mobile versions and will be pre-installed on Condor tablets and smartphones.

In order to enrich the platform with video courses, Condor will launch a partnership program with schools and teachers to produce courses and then post them on the platform during the academic year 2014/2015.

IQRAA : A virtual library, available as a mobile application, freely pre-installed on Condor tablets and smartphones, this library contains dozens of books selected for all family members, IQRAA provides a revolutionary method of reading.

How many Android developers work for Condor ? what are their roles ?

Now I can't give you the exact number, but, our company includes several Algerian and foreign developers in Algiers and Bordj Bou Arreridj. Our service is divided into several groups:

- R&D : The group taking care of new concepts, research and development

- A group dedicated for testing

- Support group                          

- Innovation group

What is you view of the applications market in Algeria?

It grows increasingly each day. But the only problem is monetization ! Developers are not able to make profits from their work or create a company through applications.

Do you think that the lack of Android content is due to the scarcity of developers or due to other reasons ?

No! Anyone can develop an application. But bringing up a new innovative idea is very rare.

Condor fully contribute in the education sector, would it not be the time to invest in the training of developers ? Thus creating a community around Condor ?

We already organized a training in collaboration with Djezzy and Google Developer Group GDG. Where 850 student have received a training on mobile applications development on Android operating system, these students were mentored by 14 Algerian experts from major universities and international firms. We had to select 11 applications amongst 41 for the qualifying stages which took place  last May. This year also, we will organize a new training in partnership with other companies and other experts from all over the world.

Regarding your Condor GPS system which is integrated on the new Renault Symbole, Have you ever done any tests ?

Will it be available in all Wilayas ? It is being tested currently, it is also 100% available for 16 cities, the others are still in mapping studies..

What are your upcoming products ?

There's nothing we can say now except that we have several higher quality products that will be available soon.

Why do you not put your ROM (firmware) for download on the net ?

On this point, we're already working on a service in our web site to offer our customers the ability to download our ROM (Firmware).

Is it possible to make a 100% Made In Algeria smartphone ? without any foreign assistance ?

I will not lie to you, as of now it's impossible, even the biggest brands of the world does not make their products 100% by themselves. Let's take Apple as an example, it is clearly mentioned "Made in China" on the back of its products, only the design is done in California. We can remain optimistic that in the upcoming days it will be possible to make our own smartphone, we are progressing slowly but surely.

Is Condor preparing new projects ?

Yes, we can tell you that in order to be present everywhere and especially in order to adapt our products to user needs.

Do you have plans in order that you can present your products abroad ? especially in Europe?

Yes, this is one of our projects, we might also participate in international exhibitions like IFA or MWC

Do you have something to say about Android-Dz ?

You are doing a great job. You publish excellent content with a professional touch. We especially encourage you to continue down this path.

Is there something you might want to say to our readers?

We promise you to improve and to be closer to you, keeping our promise to offer you the best quality products with the lowest prices. In that sense, we lowered our prices even if we have no competition in the segment of our range.


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